Welcome to Quill Cottage where we are enjoying an old fashioned country Christmas! I'm glad the gate was opened when you arrived, even though the pine cones were closed due to our wet weather!.....
The greeting is painted on an old board from my Grandmother's kitchen table. If you were to look closely, you would see knife marks where she, my mother and her sisters prepared food.
I trust the angels ushered you through the arbor and up the walkway....
I made these two lovelies a few years ago out of some old tomato cages, garland and a vine ball and swag. She is embellished with twig arms, garland, white twinkle lights, silk flowers and golden wired ribbon!
I hope my wreath gave you a glad greeting and tickled your nose with the smell of fresh cut Christmas greens.....
Come in and warm yourself by the fire.....
I am so glad your here! Won't you join me for a cup of tea or do you prefer coffee or maybe some cocoa?
Perhaps we can be a bit naughty and indulge in some homemade fudge!
The greeting is painted on an old board from my Grandmother's kitchen table. If you were to look closely, you would see knife marks where she, my mother and her sisters prepared food.
I did reserve a few areas that are more adult in taste, such as the area above the sofa and the hall table. My husband built the shelves above the sofa for me last year for Christmas. I saw them in a Southern Living decorating magazine and loved them. This year they house our Nativity, an angel my husband gave me for our nineteenth wedding anniversary, and a few items I handcrafted.....
In the hall I displayed a pink poinsettia, some garland, and my favorite Willow Tree Angel, a gift from a friend, and some delicious vanilla candles. We use the decorative iron pieces to display our Christmas cards by simply placing a magnet inside the card to attach it.....
Oh, so you noticed my teeny tiny tucked away Nativity! I have had this since I was a child, it was my very own Nativity and I always sat it on my dresser.....
Come on into the kitchen while I refresh our cups. Oh, you love that china pattern too? Yes, I'm still working on the dining nook, I have not had time to set a proper table but I did have time to put up a few things. I inherited the china from my Great Aunt Sylvia, it is the Old Moss Rose pattern and was made by Ballerina. I almost always choose to use this particular set at Christmas.....
The angel hanging at the window? She was an unpainted yard sale find and I painted her folk art style many years ago, she always celebrates Christmas with us in one place or another around the house. Her crumpled horn is result of a bit too much Christmas cheer from my children but we love her just as Christ loves us, imperfections and all.....
I went really traditional in here, red and green, Santa, candy canes, reindeer, and gingerbread men with lots of fresh cut greenery! I wanted something cheerful and delightful to a child's eye (and mine!) Even the pot rack got a touch of Christmas. My daughter loves to use those huge hand made copper cookie cutters each year.....

My green upper cupboards do fit in with the season nicely don't they? I added a touch of red and green by using doilies, most of which were made for me by a very dear friend....
Clever window treatment don't you think? I got this linen piece at a flea market and it too has traveled all over the house from year to year. This year I simply stitched a rod pocket with some embroidery floss and hung it on a tension rod. Below it rests another family favorite, the tiny plastic Nativity scene. I purchased this when my son was quite small so he could have a touchable scene. The year my daughter was three she became fascinated with the little baby Jesus. She took him everywhere she went and told every passerby that she had baby Jesus in her pocket. I prayed that some day he would be safely tucked into her heart, and he is.....
The Santa mugs are just a fun touch, the one on the bottom in the middle was mine when I was little. Every year my mom would take it down for the month of December only and she would make me hot cocoa, not the kind from a package but the real cooked kind, and serve me cinnamon toast for breakfast, what a feast!.....
The wreath and apron on my pantry door are two of my favorites. The wreath holds some of my cookie cutter collection and tucked into the pocket of my vintage apron is a little gingerbread man that my daughter-in-love gave me.....
I just love this area, it was built from what used to be a closet that housed our washer and dryer, still does, they are tucked under the counter top! There is a story behind this remodel, but I will save that for another visit. I wanted this area to look a bit like a candy store at Christmas....

This area is full of Christmas cheer, fond memories, and beloved pieces of Christmas past. By the weekend it will be filled with home made goodness in all manner of sweets and treats! The linen piece on the top shelf and the burlap ball tree were my mother-in-law's. The two sawdust stuffed leather reindeer were mine as a child. The tiny wooden shoes, the nesting Santa's, and the iron and clay gingerbread man were gifts from friends. The painted barn wood Santa was a gift also, he is painted on wood that is over 100 years old! That cute glittery Santa holding the bottle brush tree is a recent addition, the little guy followed me home from the flea market last weekend, so I kept him!.....
Let me show you our other tress and then we will sit an visit awhile. My daughter claimed the aluminum tree this year. This tree, the color wheel, and most of its ornaments were purchased by my parents on their very first Christmas together back in 1960. My mom gave this to my husband as a gift one year because he had such fond memories of the one his family had. We chose to tuck it away in our daughter's room so that it could be shut away from the hands of tiny grandson as the tree and its ornaments are very fragile. The tree topper is an old Christmas corsage that was found at a flea market last year.....

And last but not least is the tree I chose for my room. I used only the top section of our four foot off white tree and put it in a shabby tin in floral foam. I added some ivy to the base and decided to create a frosty feathery bird filled creation. I added tons of white twinkle lights and scattered them across my hand painted dresser and covered them with an old crochet table cloth. I added more ambient light by using the silver candle shields and flanked them by my two angel friends, Hope and Joy. I can't remember a time without these two at Christmas. I am told that one of my Grandmothers gave them to me on my first and second Christmas'......

Why do I love my holiday house you ask? Because it fills my heart with joy and blessing at all the fond memories it brings. I love my holiday house because it is where love lives, sorrows are shared, laughter abounds, and a family is built. I love my holiday house simply because it is home.
I am sorry you must leave so soon but I know you have much holiday cheer to spread and visits to make. Thank You, Karla, for hosting this event!
Leave a comment to sign up for a Christmas give away! Tune in tomorrow to view the goodies and see who the winners are! (Yes, there will be more than one!) The goodies will go in the mail on Friday.
Christmas Blessings,
Miss Sandy
P.S. May each of your homes be filled with the Christmas Spirit where love abounds, peace, joy, and happiness reign.
just gorgeous!!! im glad im not the only one who decorates there whole house.
your entry gate is awesome! Love the board sign.
Just dropping in from Karla's party :) Thank you for the very warm welcome, you really know how to throw a party. This is my first event but i did try :)
Your home is beautiful inside and out, I love all your angels, and that wreath is just so darn cute!
Merry Christmas
Everything is beautiful, all through your home---very welcoming and warm! I especially love the sign on your gate and the story behind it.
xo, Andrea
Just amazing! We loved starting out with the old board from the table, what a wonderful story! Your whole hoe is sparkling with Christmas joy!
Merry Christmas,
kari & kijsa
This was such a beautiful post. Your home looks simply lovely and inviting!! My favorite is the sign on your gate!! Merry Christmas!
Wow oh Wow from the entrance gate down to the tiniest dioramas it looks like you covered every inch with gorgeous holiday decor what a talent you have!
I love your touchable memory tree, your painted santa and your aluminum tree and vintage ornies...I could go on and on. Lets just say I was awed by your pictures. Susan
I love it all! The cookie cutters, your awesome window treatment, your nativity set - esp. the old kitchen board sign - that takes the cake! Thank you for having me to your home!
Everything is just so lovely! I felt so "right at home" here! I particularly love your manger scenes (well, after all, that's what the season is all about, isn't it). =)
Your Christmas doilies and linens are very pretty; and I think your trees are fabulous!!!
Hope you don't mind if I swing back around for a third cuppa because there's just so much to see and enjoy here today! Thanks for indulging us with it all; I'm sure that it took a lot of effort, but what an exquisite result!
your home is so lovely.. I love your family things what treasures Merry Christmas
Oh My Gosh Sandy! That is a LOT of work but OH what a beautiful home you have! Everybody must love going there for the holidays!
First I'd like to mention that I love your banner! Then onto the decor..you have something sweet hidden in every corner!I love the 1970s tree and ornaments..it brings back memories! Finally, I love how everything you own has a lot of meaning to you! Your handmade items also make this a warm and festive home to visit. Thanks for having me over and for your wonderful comment on my blog!
Happy Holidays!
Sandy Caus;O)
Miss Sandy, i so agree with the other sandy above me...your banner is just adorable...and your holiday home is just gorgeous...i love how you have turned every room into a festive celebration:)
I had a wonderful visit. Thank you for sharing your home, the refreshments & your music. It is always a pleasure to stop by and see what you have written
Everything looks so pretty! I love decorating for christmas!I posted mine too!
Sandy, you home is stunning! The tour, the pictures, the music, I enjoyed myself so much. Thank you for sharing.
Oh, my! Everything is so gorgeous! My favorite was your entry gate, and the outside angels. Thank you for visiting me too, and a Merry Christmas!
I love all your kitchen decorations...all the cookie cutters..just perfect!
The old kitchen board on your gate is so special and neat.
Have a Merry Christmas and thanks for letting me visit your home!
Oh Miss Sandy, you had me at the gate! I am speechless. And that doesn't happen very often! lol
Thanks for your visit!
Most fabulous. I will be showing more of my home on the 17th when I participate in another home tour... the Ozarks in Missouri???
I'll be checking in on you! I really enjoyed your blog!
Your home is beautiful, thank you for the tour. I love your stone angel. I will be back to check out more of your blog
Sandy what a wonderful post. So many beautiful decorations. I think my favourite things are the Santa Mugs and the pretty little white tree.
Wow! What a wonderful tour! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful Christmas decorations. I love all of your gingerbread cuties. I didn't even make it to decorating the kitchen yet!
Miss Sandy! I always feel so refreshed after I have been to your blog! The sign painted on your Grandmother's table is wonderful!!
Thank you for sharing all the beauty you have been blessed with.
Merry Christmas to you!
What lovely Christmas decorating and a charming home- love those angels by the entrance :)
Merry Christmas !
crystal :)
Everything looks lovely and so inviting! Happy Christmas to you!
I love the sign on your gate, that it belonged to your grandmother that she used for her table is so wonderful! Also the tinsel tree is sooo pretty! I remember those! Thank you for visiting me today! Merry Christmas!
Everything is so pretty, I especially love your garden angels.
I SO enjoyed your lovely Christmas decor, especially the vintage pretties!
Thank you for sharing!
Your home is beautiful inside and out! So much eye candy and delicious smells to take in!
Oh My Goodness! I loved every moment of my visit with you! From the decorated gate and thru the whole house. The angel your husband gave you for your 19th anniversary is beautiful! Thank you for sharing your lovely home with me!
What a darling house you have ~ perfect for Christmas decorating! That gate with the painted board from the table is wonderful. Love your gingerbread decorations and that cool silver tree and sweet white tree. Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hello!
Miss Sandy,
It's easy to see that love dwells in your cottage. Each and every thing is perfect. I know that everyone who walks through your gate and through your arbor is blessed. Not only by your warm home, but by you.
May God bless you as much as you bless others.
xo Lidy
oh my goodness so much beauty inside and outside your home! I love it all!!! and by the way your blog banner is fabulous!
Beautiful entrance.Your Christmas decoration is great.
Miss Sandy, I just love your site makes me feel good!
Vicki Page
So stunning!
I love all your decor & your home is beautiful.
Happy Holidays...
love all your trees, your vintage ornaments are so pretty. I love the outdoor decor. So earthy and beautiful.
Wow, you have SUCH a lovely home! I'm especially jealous of that gorgeous kitchen! Thanks for sharing so many wonderful pictures, I enjoyed your blog so much :). Thankyou for visiting my blog and leaving a comment, I really appreciate each and every comment I recieve! Have a wonderful and happy Christmas!
What a beautiful home, not only in decoration but rich in love -Merry Christmas and Blessings - Rachael:)
Hello Miss Sandy,
Your home is beautiful, thanks for sharing all your wonderful decorations, I love everything and the trees! Merry Christmas, and I am
sorry I missed the giveaway , I have already been blessed so much by you
Thank you and Merry Christmas, stop
by for tea if you can I'd love to have you Pinkie Denise
Thanks for allowing us to tour...I so enjoyed it! I spent awhile studying your outdoor angel...I like that! I just recently made a set of three garden angels...blogged them too. Blessings to you this Christmas!
I just don't know what to comment on its all so fabulous!!
Thanks for visiting me and I'm glad I have managed to visit you,
Best wishes,
Thanks for the Yummy Fudge and I opted for the coffee in your lovely china cup! So much FUN! Thanks for sharing your Christmas Cheer and opening up your holiday home to share with all us bloglanders.
Congrats to all the winners of the drawing.
I really enjoyed looking thru your holiday home.
Enjoy the tour!
I love it all and what a wonderful blog! I came to see the holiday home tour and then kept reading! I have you bookmarked and will come back and visit often. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Cathy )
Wow Sandy! I just love all of your Christmas decorating. Thank you so much for visiting my Holiday Home too, because now I have found your beautiful blog. I could spend all morning here, and I am really enjoying looking at all of your gorgeous work too! Have a great Christmas. I am adding you to my favorites!
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