It has been said that art is a tryst, for in the joy of it maker and beholder meet.-Kojiro Tomita-
Hi sweet friends, I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend. Thank you for all the sweet anniversary wishes, we did indeed have a wonderful quite time sequestered away from it all. Upon our return things have been hoppin' here at the Quill and I have a lot of artful news to share with you today. Are you feeling up for a challenge? Well, Cloth Paper Scissors is currently sponsoring two artful challenges that you might want to get in on.
The first is their 2012 Calendar Contest. For this challenge you create an original 12 inch x12 inch piece of art for submission, you can submit up to two pieces. There are some very specific guidelines for this entry so I suggest you visit this link and thoroughly read all the details to make a proper entry. There will be 13 winning entries with winners receiving $200.00 worth of merchandise from their online store. The entry deadline is Friday, January 7, 2011. The finalists will be announced on Friday, January 21, 2011 on Barb Delaney's blog. The winners will be announced on Friday, February 11, 2011 on Barb's blog also. How awesome would it be to have your artwork featured on a calender?
The second challenge they are sponsoring is called, All Buttoned Up. This is a mixed media art challenge featuring buttons in your design. This challenge also has specific details for the entering, you can visit this link for details by scrolling past the above calender challenge. The deadline for this one is November 15, 2010 with finalists being announced on November 22, 2010 on Barb Delaney's blog. Winners will be notified via email. Give it a try, you might just find yourself published in the pages of this wonderful magazine!
As most of you know, I am a HUGE KC Willis fan. Her art speaks to me and her teaching inspires me. After devouring her Collage Camp DVD series I have found myself wanting to dig deeper and make more meaningful art. I have had the privilege of having not only my art but my heart touched by KC in a profound way. After having the honor of corresponding with her I count her as one of my friends and hope to meet her face to face one day and I truly believe I will. KC has some amazing artful news to share and I hope you will consider helping to spread the word about her new endeavor by posting on your blog or social network.
KC is moving her mainstream art into full time ministry. I cannot so eloquently express her new mission as she is able to herself, so I encourage you to visit this post and see how God is moving KC's heart and art. KC's vision is being realized in her new Imagination Congregation gathering. A small portion of her vision is to "To create a Movement that encourages Christian artists to make art that glorifies the Lord, but prove that Christian art can be sophisticated, smart, and collectible by the art community in general."
More exciting news from KC's camp is that Jenny Doh is coming to Colorado to join forces with KC for a Colorado Collage Conference! You might remember Jenny as the Editor-in-Chief and Director of Publishing for Somerset Studio and its sister publications. Jenny is now serving as the Founder and President of CRESCENDOh LLC, that inspires creative passion, authentic community, and focused compassion. This small group setting will offer you some serious face-to-face time with both KC and Jenny. If you are wanting to grow your art business then this is for you. KC will be teaching her Marketing Mindset along with fun classes and outings as you hang out for a week or a weekend with these two wildly creative women.
On the home front I have a little artful news to share myself. If it crossed your mind to wonder where my posts were for last week well, they had to be placed by the wayside while I venue scoured and power shopped for class location and art kit supplies. I will, in the very near future, be teaching a class at a local antique shop. I wanted to thank you all for the help you gave me on the art survey that I held recently. You were a tremendous help in determining strong likes and dislikes and believe it or not your choices are driving the direction of the class formation.
Another tidbit of artful news is this...I am honored to be having a piece of art and an article published in an upcoming issue of Somerset Life!!! How ridiculously cool is that?
Lastly I wanted to mention a virtual studio tour being sponsored by Cloth Paper Scissors. This will be a real treat to visit or participate in, so get those studios ready to show the world! The Cloth Paper Scissors Studios Virtual Tour will be held on October 15-17, 2010, visiting the highlighted link will give you all the participation details. Hope to see you there!
Well, work awaits...have a fantastic day!
Many Blessings,
Miss Sandy
Sandy, what a very generous post which benefits both those featured and your readers. It makes me wish I were an artist. Having the opportunity to be featured on a calendar sounds like so much fun.
I'm sorry I missed your anniversary. Glad you had a wonderful time.
Becky K.
I don't find that your art being featured in Somerset Life is ridiculously cool — it is understandably cool! You've shared so much. I'm glad that you will teach a class for you are an excellent teacher and a thorough one. Thanks for sharing all the links to the other artists. Enjoy your busy week!
Wow! Sandy, what a news-full post!
I am headed to my sewing room as of 2 min. from now but will return here later to check out everything you posted about! Easy to see you've been busy, busy, busy! And congratulations on your Somerset coup! No surprise, my very talented friend!
Hugs...see you later!
Congrats on the article! Wonderful! And it's great to hear you'll be teaching a class. :) I hope you have a ton of fun!
Hi Sandy!
So good to catch up on your blog. What a great post and chock full of WAY COOL things to get us inspired to do artwork!!
YAY. Thanks for all the info.
Just curious, are you here in Colorado as well?
So glad you posted the links to KC. She must be just down the block from my bulk food store! Will definitely check it out soon.
Sending along hearty congratulations Miss Sandy! Wow - what exciting and busy times for you. I wish you all the best. May God continue to bless you.
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