I am calling on all blog buddies using the international call for help...S.O.S! A while back I posted on some railroad hand carts that my husband had scored. He was given two complete carts and one cart that was just parts ranging from poor to fair to great shape. A few weeks later he was given another one that was in mint condition. Since that posting the two larger carts have been sold and a potential buyer wants to view the third smaller complete cart on Sunday afternoon. Here is where I need your help.
I am wavering on selling the last complete cart as I want to use it at the farm for a coffee table BUT if I can find the missing part for the parts cart I'll let it go and have Handy Hubby custom build it with salvaged wood from the old house at the farm. This is the part I am looking for...
This is one of the balancing wheels that go one each end of the cart. I am looking for the entire part of mounted cast iron wheel and bracket that holds it on the cart. I have checked Restoration Hardware as well as done a ton of googling and can't find a wheel. If you know of any source please let me know. I have three local sources that I am going to check with today and then I am out of ideas. I would so appreciate an leads you could give me!
My second request is how to fix the problem of being a faceless follower. Every time I go to follow a blog I cannot get a photo to upload so I appear as a little gray faced guy! It always says my photo file is too big. Can someone tell me how to re-size a photo to use on the follower feature?
Thanks a million for any help you can give in either of these areas, I really appreciate it and you! We are making a run up to the farm to do some scheduled maintenance this weekend. I hope you all have some fantastic plans in place for play this weekend!
Many Blessings,
Miss Sandy
Send me your photo and I'll resize for you. I'll check my restoration parts store and see what I can see... All the best!
No luck with my two little sources. Tell your hubby that you're keeping this one and that's all there is to it! :D I have a feeling that that would be a difficult piece of hardware to replace. Hope that I didn't frighten you with the offer...it can be any picture at all. I was coming over to see what you use as your profile pic and am snooping about...
Sandy, I wish I could help you on both counts! I guess if you can't find the right wheel you could make a brace out of wood??
As for the photo problem...I'd be the last person you'd want to trust! I have had image issues for 2 days with a download for a new email system I stupidly allowed. My computer guy is coming out on Mon. to uninstall my big huge mistake, if possible!
Good luck, friend!
When I export photos to documents, (on a mac) it asks what size I want to send it in..you can pick small, med. or large. Then, when you pick which file to choose your photo from, it should up load it. Hope that helps!!
Hi Miss Sandy!
I use PhotoShop to re-size my photos. My son taught me how to do it. Do you have PhotoShop on your computer??? if so let me know & I'll email you directions.
Hugs, Sherry
Hi Sandy,
I am going to check all of the antique stores in my area in Canada ... you never know!!
Will be in touch...have a great week!!
I use Picassa or Picnik to resize, its pretty self explanatory there. You need it to be 200 or less to fit.
I look forward to seeing your pretty face, instead of a gray guy!
Hi Sandy, Try this place..it's loaded with just the kind of thing you are looking for!
Phone: 503-678-6083
Fax: 503-678-3299
Email: auroramills@centurytel.net
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Good luck!
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