I woke up yesterday with my nose a little out of joint. Usually that phrase means that one is upset, annoyed, irritated, or your plans have been upset. None of these, however, apply to my state of being. We had a fantastic weekend hanging out with our precious little grandson. He came for an over night visit on Friday and we spent the day at the zoo on Saturday. We got a private tour of the lorikeet exhibit getting to help feed them, it was like being swathed in a rainbow of brilliant color...
Nothing about that to make ones nose out of joint.
I did not wake up like a grumpy gorilla...
Nor was I having a bad hair day...
My feathers were not ruffled...
I did not discover any new wrinkles...
I don't feel like I am just treading water...
Or like the odd man out...
I don't have a crick in my neck and I can still bend over and touch my knees...
I am not suffering from seriously scaly skin or in dire need of a mani/pedi...
And my dry as leaf diet seems to be working...
At least it's making my head look thinner don't ya think?...
I am not depressed and feeling like a I need to crawl into a deep dark hole...

I am not being caged in...
Nor am I pressured to follow the crowd...
And I am not hanging on by a fine thin line...
Any of which could put ones nose out of joint. Nope, my nose is literally out of joint...I think I may have broken it!
Did you know that if we go from bright light to a dim lit or darkened room we are hardly able to see our surroundings at first? As time goes by we gradually become able to detect a rooms contents. This phenomenon is known as " dark adaptation," and it typically takes between 20 and 30 minutes to reach its maximum, depending on the intensity of light exposure in the previous surroundings. This little phenomenon is what caused my nose to be out of joint. While humans can somewhat adapt to the darkness they are not nocturnal.
One of my favorite exhibits at the zoo since childhood is that of the lemurs also known as bush babies. The term " bush baby" literally means " little night monkeys." These nocturnal primates have large eyes that give them good night vision and they possess remarkable agility to move around in the dark without bumping into things. Humans do not, hence my out of joint nose.
Did you know that if you have been doing a little bedside reading with a brightly lit lamp and suddenly turn it off, stand up, and then attempt to walk down a dark hallway though two doors and that since you have not given your dark adaptation senses time to kick in that you might become somewhat disoriented as to the exact location of the second door and you might just slightly miscalculate said opening and you might just slam face first into the frame instead of the opening...just saying... it could happen.
I got myself an instantaneous goose egg on my nose. An ice pack and three pain relievers later I was able to rest a bit. Some swelling, some bruising, and some volley of phone calls to the doctor later have determined that it may indeed be out of joint. I guess practicing those lemur skills is kind of out of the question from now on and hanging out at the zoo for a day might not be such a good idea if I come home trying to imitate them!
So, what did you do over the weekend?
I hope your week is off to a great start and that your day resembles nothing of a zoo!
Miss Sandy
Dear Miss Sandy,
Oh, dear, so sorry to hear of your mishap...but it sounds exactly like something I would do! Here's praying that it is just a bruise and that things will be back to normal in no time at all.
Sweet blessings,
oh my, so sorry to hear about your nose, praying for your complete recovery...AND this is the the most clever posting i've ever seen! ;)
Oh dear....that is not good.
Chelsea got smacked in the nose with a frisbee on Sunday. Poor girl...the tears came unbidden.
I am sorry about your nose...but you were so creative in your telling that I still had to smile.
Becky K.
I helped unload a semi of pumpkins at church for the youth's fall fundraiser (muscles now), then helped man the table since no one else was signed up - pumpkins had arrived a day early.
I actually took a nap Sunday - it was soooooooo nice.
May you nose feel better today!
Oh no and that hurts sooooooo bad! Once my dog pulled me off my feet face first onto a concrete driveway - it's a wonder my glasses didn't break - but my nose sure did. Sure hope yours feels better soon! Love the zoo pictures!
Oh my, Sandy! What did I do over the weekend? Well, did no damage to my body anywhere! You must look a SIGHT! I hope that you have a tube of concealer for the unlovely colors that will probably appear around your nose. :-(
What we did yesterday was begin to scour out the superfluous STUFF in my sewing room, family room and storage area. Next on the agenda is the garage! bodily damage here...just aches and soreness from the lifting and bending, which a hot shower might help.
You poor thing. My heart really goes out to you!
Ouch! So what does a doctor do for an out-of-joint nose? Is this going to mean rhinoplasty? I certainly hope not! You've got a perfectly adorable nose. Fun post, Miss Sandy. You're always looking on the giggles side.
Oh no, that is painful!!! I am trying to get my big presentation done for tonight, taking a break to visit with my blog friends!!!!
Take care!
Margaret B
So sorry to hear about your nose, Miss Sandy, but Oh, what a cute story to tell it with!
I know how you feel... a neighborhood boy threw a brick at me and hit me in the nose when I was a kid. Not only did I break my nose, but got some stitches up underneath, too. (I guess I should mention that I threw the first object...)
My nose is still a bit crooked today and it's hard to find sunglasses that fit right! ha! A broken nose calls for ice cream - let's just say that the cold travels up into your head and nose!!! Hope it heals up quickly!
Ouch! Hope it feels better soon. I've stubbed my toe in the dark or bumped my shin but so far my nose has been spared.
So sorry to hear about your nose. It must really hurt. Your telling of the story, however was wonderful. It reminded me of when ever my late husband got a scratch or a bruse, he would joke that he was going to tell the guys at the refinery that I beat him up. Pretty funny, since he was such a big guy.
Ooh, that must hurt, Sandy. I hope you feel better soon and that your nose will not be "out of joint" for long!
oh my goodness. so sorry to hear about your nose.
Thank you for the gift of a clever post.
I too learned to not trust my night vision. The other day I was walking down our dim hallway and stepped on a snake! I scooted under a door into the bathroom.
lesson learned...Turn On the Lights
Hope you and your nose heal quickly.
Ouch! I do hope you have a speedy recovery and it's not too painful. I know what you mean about the dark though, I have myself walked smack into a door at night (I thought I had left it open....wrong)!!!
I chuckled my way through your post until I came to the bit where you told us about your possibly broken nose. So sorry! It must be so painful. Hope it heals real soon.
Your post was funny though, those photographs and your comments were great!
Well I didn't injure myself for sure! So sorry to hear about your nose Miss Sandy... my youngest son broke my hubby's nose when he was a toddler. They were playing on the floor and Wes was bouncing Russ up and down. When he stopped Russ bounced right on his face... Wes said he DID see STARS just like in the cartoons!! He had to have surgery on it yrs later.
Hope your's is feeling better!!!
Hugs, Sherry
Ow! you poor thing, it hurts me just to read about - I hope you're feeling better soon.
Oh NOOOOO! I hate that about the dark!!!! But I sure love how you wrote about it with the zoo pictures-that was too funny.
I put on a wet suit and swam in a bay....not sure, but I think it might be better than having my nose out of joint!!
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