1. You will enter the Parade by linking to a specific post that shares one of the following: Easter or Spring décor, Easter or Spring Crafts, Special Family celebration ideas for either of these, Recipes or Family favorites for this time of year, If you have an Easter Bonnet, please do post it, The first signs of Spring around your area, anything that relates to Easter or Spring. Pictures are great but just telling about a good idea is fine as well.
2. Feel free to cut and paste the button above and post it. The button is not required but please do link back to this post on my site so others can enjoy our fun.
3. Once your post is ready, come back to my site and sign up in the Mr. Linky box below. Please link to a specific post. You may link more than once if you have several posts that apply to the celebration of Spring or Easter. You may want to put your name and then a one or two word description of your Easter or Spring idea in parenthesis. For example: Sandy Babb (Easter Decor)
Did someone mention a give away?
Here are the goodies:
What would Easter be without a cute little bunny? Here is a sweet little ballerina bunny accepting her bouquet, ready to take a bow. She comes with her own little stand and a set of three of my custom designed Tutu Tags! These are so cute on a package for special little girl, but big girls love them too!
Well, we have the bunny so we must also have a basket! This is a darling little embellished basket filled with a sweet little fuzzy chick resting atop four ceramic Easter egg ornaments! She also comes with a set of three of my custom designed Springtime Nest tags!
We have our bunny, our basket, and our décor now we need to take photos of our celebration! We need some place to keep and display those photos so why not a sweet little spring inspired photo album, matching tag, and ink pen to journal with?
All you have to do to be eligible to win is to stop leave a comment, invite your friends!
The winners will be announced on Monday, March 24, 2008!
I'm off to prepare my post for tomorrow so I can come to my own parade! Silly Miss Sandy forgot that it was her turn to host a luncheon tomorrow! I spent most of today preparing for that so I have not had time to get my post ready. Well, any good hostess always lets her guests go first anyway so if you get here before I do just parade away and I'll catch up with you along the route!
UPDATE : In case you are wondering about your hostess, she is MIA, and will post her entry this afternoon for your blogging pleasure. I promise you it will be worth the wait. I also apologize for being a bad hostess and not posting early but it is what it is when you are forgetful and have two coinciding commitments. Thank you for all showing up and I'll see you soon. I can't wait until this evening when I can kick back and relax with you all. Much thanks, Miss Sandy
UPDATED UPDATE: Your MIA hostess finally got her post on the list!!!! After everyone left yesterday I finished my post and guess what? Our network went down! After it got back up I tried to post and guess what? Blogger was down! Talk about frustration! I spent and anxious evening checking and checking until I finally got it posted. Relieved I thought, OK now I will visit the parade. Guess what? Blogger went back down and did not allow me to access it until late this afternoon. I am trying my best to get to every one today and view their post and then throughout the weekend I will linger over the blogs themselves. Thank you all so much for your patience and for participating!Without further ado, I introduce our Master of Ceremonies, Mr. Linky!
If you are wondering, I am #28!
Or you can scroll down to the post below this one!
Miss Sandy!
Thank you so much for the invitation to your lovely Easter Parade! I am having quite a difficult time deciding on Easter Bonnets!
Hugs! Nancy
I wish I had an easter bonnet. Flea Markets are hardly accessible where I live. Lovely idea!
Hello, Miss Sandy,
I hope you don't feel I'm crashing your party . . . but my wife insisted on an escort. So here I am! Will there be hors d'oeuvres?
Miss Sandy hello there,
i have only just come across your blog guided here expertly by my lovely friend Nancy!
I'm not quite sure how to enter your Easter parade. I have a lovely little link for you here:
It's such an inspiring and vibrant blog and Mary has invited all her bunnies over for a Spring get together :>)
I would love to enter your Parade and will try to figure it out...haha!
Best wishes, Angela
Woo Hoo! Great Prizes. Thanks for organizing this!
Creative Call Studios is happy to participate in this fun parade!
Morning, Miss Sandy! It sure came early today now didn't it?! :D
I may have done that wrong...the linky thing. I see that others actually shared what they're doing. Prolly best if I don't do that as I wouldn't have a visitor! LOL!
Hope you have a fun day!
Thank you so much for inviting me to the parade! I'm really enjoying all the springtime goodness. I'll be popping in and out all day so I don't miss any parade entries. Fun idea, thanks!
Good morning Sandy!
Vee invited me to your lovely Easter Parade!
I have a few posts appropriate for Spring and Easter in my blog -- today is spring poetry, yesterday was all you would ever want to know about PEEPS candy, and a few posts early I had quite a few fun links for Easter crafts and decorations.
I'm going to enjoy exploring everyone's sites.
Hugs, Pat
Happy Spring, Happy Easter Miss Sandy!!!! I'm so very happy to be included in your parade! Your gifts are absolutely beautiful!!! How kind of you to choose so many winners, too....Please visit me to see my little virtual gifts!! love to you ~ xxoo, Dawn
Super Easter Parade !! I just posted on my blog also !!! Have a happy & blessed Easter everyone !!!
I enjoyed the Easter parade. There definitely were a variety of posts. I don't have a web page yet, but maybe someday. I really enjoy looking at everyone elses. Happy Easter and Happy Spring!!
I remember singing Easter Parade in music class along with our music teacher who we nicknamed Mrs. Bubbles. Who wouldn't want to be part of a parade? I just love your blog and I am so glad I found you through Jenny's. Happy Easter, Blessed Spring! Katie
I don't have an Easter bonnet, but I did find a beautiful spring drive. Come and see.
Thank you Miss sandy for hosting such a super fun event!
I am haveing a great time visiting and meeting everyone!
Many hugz to you and a Happy Easter too!
XOXO, Dolly
Gah! I can't spell my own blog name! : P
I'm sorry I messed up one of your Linky's! LOL.
This is such fun, thank you so much for hosting our postings. : )
Happy Easter.
Dear Miss Sandy, thank for hostessing such a wonderful Easter Parade. Call me a sentimental fool, but my contribution is a post about a special Easter tradition in our family. I hope folks will stop by and say hello. Wishing you a happy and blessed Easter. ~Kathy
Hi Miss Sandy !! I want to win !!! lol I am showing how to make sugar eggs on my blog, come see !!
I'm so happy to join in all the fun! I think I have two posts that qualify..."Blossom Trail", & "Happy Easter" featuring my nieces baby in her 'Easter Bonnet'.
Happy Easter everyone...
Hi! I found this link through Cindy is Crafty blog. I'm sorry I linked to the top of my blog, but I do have an Easter banner as the current post right now.
Happy Easter!
I found out about your fun party through Nancy. I've had so much fun reading everyones post and managed to get one together as well.
Thank you for hosting and a Happy Easter,
Oh your treasures and prizes are SO lovely! I'm sorry I just couldn't get it together enough to join in the Parade. But hey, parades needs spectators too! :-)
Hi Miss Sandy,
It's me again. i have finally figured out how your fab Easter parade works. Sadly, i don't have a blog but I am enjoying visiting all the lovely links you have introduced me to :>)
Best wishes, Angela
Miss Sandy, a prior commitment (work, UGH!) made me a bit late to join, but I am here now and ready to strut my stuff in the Easter Parade!
Miss Sandy, thanks for inviting me to your easter parade:) sadly, i did not do a post...but i enjoyed yours very much and i am off to visit the other girls who DID sign up with Mr Blinky
Uh oh, I left a comment, but I don't see it! Hope you have it! Cindy
Sandy what a fun parade! Happiest Spring to you!
hoganfe handbags
Hi Sandy! I found you through Pat and she told me about your Easter Parade. What fun!! I'm new at blogging and love it. I entered your parade so I'm bringing up the rear as they say! Come visit me when you have a chance! Sherry (Edie Marie)
Miss Sandy, i did a little bunny post today...so sorry about the delay...and i don't have any easter bonnets i am sorry to say:(
Have a Wonderful Easter Miss Sandy!!!
Thank you SOO much for organizing this parade!! I'm REALLY enjoying this!! So many neat ideas!!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the photo album and tag!! They have my name written on them!! LOL!! Happy Easter to you and thank you for your sweet comment on my blog!!
Oh-we love a parade!!! Everyone's Easter and spring decor is wonderful!! Have a fabulous Good Friday!
kari & kijsa
Hello again! I just posted a Easter Post and thought I hop on over and link to you again. This is so much fun! I am loving all the new folks I am meeting. Thanks for doing this! Many Blessings, Katie
What a fun idea, thank you! I've linked to all six of my Easter/spring posts (mostly decor & shopping). Please stop by and visit, I'd love to have you!
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