"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."
(Fine art print, The child prophet, Samuel, in prayer by Joshua Reynolds)
I cannot begin to express how blessed I was by all the prayer wishes left on Wednesday's post. My wish is that all your prayers will be fulfilled. I truly found it impossible even using the custom random number generator to choose a winner. You are all winners in my book, SERIOUSLY, you ALL win!
Each person who left me a comment on Wednesday's post, please email me your address along with your blog name, if you have one, and you will receive a handmade gift from me. Each one will be unique in it's design. Please be patient and give me a week before the mailing as I need to get them all made. I will email you when they go out.
In the meantime, I do need to pick a winner for the "Pocket Full of Wishes" mini journal and the surprise goodies, drum roll please, and the winner is...
Cindy of Cindy is Crafty! Congratulations Cindy!
I'll leave you with a sneak peek of another work in progress on my work table and my wish for each of you who visit here at Quill Cottage.
May Christ dwell richly in your hearts by faith. May you be rooted and grounded in His love, comprehending the depth, breadth, length, and height of that love. May you be filled with all the fullness of God and given strength, joyfulness, and gratitude for each day. May the Lord bless and keep you. May His face shine upon you. May He be gracious unto you. May He bless you with peace.
Many Blessings,
Miss Sandy

I cannot begin to express how blessed I was by all the prayer wishes left on Wednesday's post. My wish is that all your prayers will be fulfilled. I truly found it impossible even using the custom random number generator to choose a winner. You are all winners in my book, SERIOUSLY, you ALL win!
Each person who left me a comment on Wednesday's post, please email me your address along with your blog name, if you have one, and you will receive a handmade gift from me. Each one will be unique in it's design. Please be patient and give me a week before the mailing as I need to get them all made. I will email you when they go out.
In the meantime, I do need to pick a winner for the "Pocket Full of Wishes" mini journal and the surprise goodies, drum roll please, and the winner is...
I'll leave you with a sneak peek of another work in progress on my work table and my wish for each of you who visit here at Quill Cottage.
Many Blessings,
Miss Sandy
Congratulations Cindy and thank you Sandy for sharing the many wonderful talents that God has given you with each of us.
Sandy-I feel I have won just by finding your blog. Your posts are always uplifting and a blessing to read. Thank you for your thoughtfulness but I could never ask you to do all that work. Getting to read your blog is enough. Thanks!!!
Congrats to you very blessed winner! I love the glimpse of what you're working on now...very tantalizing glimpse.
your blessed winner that is...what's going on here? No delete button?
Erethrally lovely.
Why thank-you Miss Sandy ! I absolutely love your creations. In fact, I have been admiring them for some time. The work and skill you put into your creations is exquisite !
Actually, a while back I was inspired by your blog to create something here at home, I will post a picture of it sometime ! I do get compliments on my creation too. So, as was already stated, I am already a winner by being able to read your blog, but you know, I would LOVE one of your prizes. Thank-you !
Wowee Zowee, lucky, lucky Cindy! Thanks Miss Sandy.
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