"I love to wander through the woodlands hoary,
In the soft light of an autumnal day,
In the soft light of an autumnal day,
When summer gathers up her robes of glory,
And like a dream of beauty glides away."
Sarah Helen Whitman - Still Day in Autumn
I love how Scripture says that God put lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from night and that they would be for signs and seasons and for days, and years.(Gen. 1:14) He knew we would get weary of dreary and have need to beat the heat so He gave mild times of beauty in between the times that we feel are sometimes too hot to handle or the times when we grow weary and things look bleak. Isn't it just like Him to put such a life lesson in nature? Isn't it wonderful when He sends us that cool calming breeze just when we need it, that bit of bright color to cheer out path, that blossom of beauty that is so fragrant and uplifting, or that newness of life where hope springs eternal? But isn't it just like Him to let us experience the coldness and harshness that life has to offer, the times of heat and drought that test us to the limit? These rugged times make us appreciate the sweet times all the more and in hindsight lets us see that it is in the bleaker seasons that we truly grow, mature, are strengthened, and enabled. So God in His goodness lets us taste a bit of all He has to offer and we never have to experience it alone for He alone will never leave us or forsake us. (Heb. 13:5) Remember, even in the midst of suffering, life itself is a very good and precious thing. As the seasons of our lives change, so do the needs of our hearts, and God is aware of each one. He meets them even before we ask-and upholds us with grace until they arrive. I encourage you to embrace what ever season of life you are in and to look for the beauty in it because it is there, it may be a bit blurry, obscure, or hard to find but seek it and you will be blessed by the beauty and bounty that surrounds you.
I leave you with these beautiful words from Autumn Days by Will Carleton:
Yellow, mellow, ripened days,
Sheltered in a golden coating;
O'er the dreamy, listless haze,
White and dainty cloudlets floating;
Winking at the blushing trees,
And the somber, furrowed fallow;
Smiling at the airy ease,
Of the Southward flying swallow.
Sweet and smiling are thy ways,
Beauteous, golden Autumn days.
Photos: 1. Autumnal treasures covering the ground at Lobo Landing, 2. A bit of blurry and obscured beauty, wildflowers and grasses blooming on the riverbank, Lobo Landing, 3. One of our river views at Lobo Landing, 4. My painting mentor and art critic, little grey squirrel, Lobo Landing, 5. My en plein air watercolor painting of treasures found on walk at Lobo Landing, 6. A peek of Autumn's glory at my Grandmother's house.
Oh my goodness!!! You're art is beautiful! Nothing to be shy over.. that's for sure! It's gorgeous!...Exquisite work indeed!!!
Sandy, your watercolor painting of treasures, IS a treasure! I love the way you painted the leaf. Beautiful photographs too. Thank you!
Accckkkkk! And you paint, too? Maybe I'm starting to not like you so much. LOL!
The scene that you painted with words of your husband fishing while you sketched or took pictures was altogether charming.
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