Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.
Oscar Wilde
I finished a little of my homework for Beth and Karla's class. I sincerely hope they are not giving grades because I discovered a huge mistake while editing photos for this post...a misquote! How can one misquote Byron when one was required to memorized the poem whose beginning line was being used for verbiage on a certain banner? I'll tell you being on the receiving end of a bombshell that left me a little fragmented. I should not have tried to get my mind off of circumstances and continue on with the project until my head was clear.
(click any image to enlarge for better viewing)
Oscar Wilde
I decided that even though it reads a little funny why not just leave it. It should have read, " She walks in beauty like the night..." instead it reads, " She walks in the night like beauty..." Boy is this banner a depiction of my day yesterday, life imitating art. First, I might have had a little expression of somber worry like this after the bombshell...
Then I dipped a little into the depths of despair like this...
I most certainly grabbed my book of promises and thumbed through them for reassurance like this...
And I postured myself in prayer like this...
Finally I was pale but peaceful, accepting, like this...
I guess art really can imitate life sometimes after all!
So, give a girl her dunce hat (maybe I'll get lucky and it will look like one of Beth's beautiful cones!) and stand her in the corner. I am such a goob! Thankfully the circumstances should be all cleared up by tomorrow and I will be singing the praises of the One who provides for all needs. You know what they say, when one door closes another one opens...
I had much better success with Beth's little notebook. I used my favorite image from the ones provided in the class, I call her Rebecca, she reminds me of the lady who played Rebecca Boone in the old Daniel Boone TV series. I imagine that she has flaming red hair too.
I was watching a flock of crows land outside the studio window and they reminded me of the movie, The Birds, and since I was in a dark mood anyway, why not just go with it?, and a semi-spooky notebook was born. I liked Beth's idea of recording holiday recipes in here - pumpkin fudge, popcorn balls, etc. or what ever your family favorites are. A very nice way to keep them handy come holiday time.
Both of these will be offered as prizes in an upcoming give away that I will announce next week. I am working on the next two prizes and hope to have them done by Monday. I am also putting on the finishing touches on the items I want to enter the mixed media competition. My plan is to get them done no later than tomorrow and then to put up a voting poll here on my blog to see which ones are your three favorites. I am pretty sure I have made my selections but I'd love your input too. My frayed nerves and I need to get back to work now. I'll see you at the pol!l
Hope you each have a day filled with peace and pleasure.
Miss Sandy
P.S. I know that curiosity is killing the cat...Handy Hubby's job of 25 years suddenly became unstable and is nearing nonexistence, options are being explored, offers are being made, decisions are pending. Neither of us do well with upending. Even when you kind of suspect it is coming it does not really hit home until it happens. We would appreciate your kind thoughts.
Miss Sandy
P.S. I know that curiosity is killing the cat...Handy Hubby's job of 25 years suddenly became unstable and is nearing nonexistence, options are being explored, offers are being made, decisions are pending. Neither of us do well with upending. Even when you kind of suspect it is coming it does not really hit home until it happens. We would appreciate your kind thoughts.
Please know that you are loved by many and you and your husband will be in my heart and prayers.
Sandy, I hope that it is not as bad as you believe and even if it is you have to stay strong and hold on to your faith. Many many people are worried about their jobs in these times. My SO who we always considered to have a steady job is all of a sudden not happy with what is going on at his workplace. I think he would love to be able to leave. Things have become stressful with everyone there. We all have to pray and keep on praying.
Beautiful work with the banner. As always I am in love with the color palette
Your banner is simply gorgeous. I especially like the doilies on the lower side. I'm sure Miss Karla and Miss Beth will be proud of you! Thinking of you and your husband, hope that the best will happen, though it is not sure what that is. Keep up the good thoughts, that helps.
I'm so sorry to hear that!! I know that fear, my husband went through it about 3 years ago, luckily he found something that was even better. I hope your husband does too.
But your banner is BEAUTIFUL, no matter if the quote is wrong. And if you do decide to wear a cone as as dunce cap, I have a feeling it will be a lovely look. you might start a trend!
I completely understand - we were 'upended' last year and I'm still recovering. But our God is faithful, even in the hard times.
Sandy- I completely understand how unsettling it can be when job situations are in flux. Both my husband and I have gone through it-and to some extent still are. I just try to remember what my mother said to me a long time ago "These things have a way of working out"- both of you are in my thoughts.
I LOVE your projects- oh my!!! Its such fun to see how you put the "Quill Cottage spin" on them- I always leave your blog full of inspiration.
Your banner is too beatiful for words. When ever I try to use so many layers it always ends up looking like a pile of scraps ready for the trash.
I am sure you and your hubby will be able to turn this bombshell into a blessing. Have faith. You are in my prayers.
Miss Sandy,
I just love the banner...
As they say, there is a reason for every thing.
All will work out I am sure.
Thanks for sharing.
Sandy, I love your work it's outstanding. The banner is beautiful and it now has your own original quote - ha!ha! Don't worry about your situation, it will all work out, "one door closes another door opens" is so true. Same thing is happening to me and my hubby. At first it did hit like a bombshell, but over time we had a chance to re-sort our life and now we think it happened for a good reason and we seem to be better than before. Your angels are looking after you. Sending many blessings your way, hugs Robyn.
Keeping you and your situation in prayer knowing that God has a plan and that He loves you and will provide. Hope, too, that there is a sense of excitement about seeing that plan unfold. Good heavens! No wonder your lady is walking in the night like beauty. Such considerations scramble all of us!
Praying for your hubby's job situation - I'm really sorry about that. I did enjoy your banner - even if the words are rearranged,it is lovely!
Dear sweet Sandy, your artwork is absolutely gorgeous!!!! I love the detail on each and every piece ~ I'm am so very sorry about your husband's job, seems this is happening everywhere these days. But I have to believe that something wonderful is waiting just around the corner for him...maybe even the opportunity to do something he loves for a living! Sending prayers up for you both, hugs and love, Dawn
Sandy.... lots of hugs and prayers coming your way. I too have had the experience. You do recover and you do move on.
Keep creating right on through it all.
(((Hugs))) Ruth ;)
Oh my - Do I know how this all feels, including the husband's job going poof. I will pray for you, Sandy. God will provide. I don't know how or when, but he will.
I love the banner and anything else you do.
God bless you today and always,
Both you and your husband are in my prayers. God Bless.
Oh, Sandy, nothing stays the same, does it. I understand...I've made 3 changes in the past 11 years in my occupation. Outside forces....
I'll be praying for you. Will try to catch up with your blog tomorrow.
I have been blog hopping tonight and am so excited to have found yours. 1st I want to share that my DH and myself have been waiting, but I try to live in excited, expectation, in what God has instore for us. Unemployment, foreclosure and open heart surgery all in the last year. My DH is still here, we are still in our home and we have food. What we value now and appreciate is so much more dear and I am thankful but I do wish God would hurry up and open the new door LOL. He is faithful and we must learn to let go and relax! Your art has inspired me and I am goint to try one of these banners! Hugs and prayers.
Miss Sandy,
Boy, is this the year or what? I lost my job last year. My husband lost three siblings, I lost my dear uncle in April, mother last month and as you know my sweet son-in-law on Sept.1st. Through all of this I know our Lord is near us. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him,who have been called according to His purpose."
I am praying for you, Sandy, and your husband too.
I can't wait to see what else you have created. I so enjoy seeing your beautiful work.
Blessings to you,
Understanding in all circumstances are being prayerfully sent! These are such needy days...but we are well cared for inspite of it. The winds of hope will change and connect!
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