Thy bounty shines in autumn unconfined
And spreads a common feast for all that live.
-James Thompson-
Can you imagine my utter delight when I stepped outside to give Miss Kitty and the ever present Lorenzo their morning fare and was met with sparkling sunshine against a sky so blue that it can only be an autumnal one? I gasp in sheer astonishment to feel an actual nip in the morning air. It was breathable not stifling with humidity. Dangling over the deck was a speck of authentic autumn color standing out sharply against a sea of green.
Barely able to contain myself I ventured out into the morningtide. I was awestruck by the tickle chill of the north wind and the warring of the warming sunlight sending shivers over my skin. The taste of autumn was in the air, tangy and tangible. Relishing the cool zest I slowly strolled toward the wooded path looking for more ingredients of autumn. It was with glee that I found small samplings of what I was looking for...sage, saffron, curry, and cocoa, spicy warm rich colors.
I placed them on a platter like the choicest of delectable delights, my only means of autumnal decor. Its too early yet for there to be much bounty, in all honesty these are more than likely a result of heat rather than seasonal change. Still, they were such a feast for the eyes.
I garnished them with moss, illumining them with twinkling candle light, honoring and elevating their welcome presence...
Are you seeing signs of seasons change?
Wishing you all autumnal bounty with blessings unconfined. Enjoy an uncommon day!
Miss Sandy
Just beginning here too in Georgia Miss Sandy. Love how the days have gone from the 90s to the 70s - lovely!
Oh yes...big changes in the air here in Ohio! Especially this week. Last week was in the 90's. The high yesterday was only in the low 60's by late afternoon. Just starting to see a little change of color in the leaves of certain trees. Glad you are beginning to see a little Fall down your way!~Patti
I want to come have autumnal tea with you! We haven't had much autumn around here, but a couple of Sundays ago on the way to church I spotted one spot of brilliant red leaves among all the green and it was stunning. We're barely seeing tinges of yellowing and only a slight dip in temperatures. All the more reason I need to come have tea with you!
Today it was sunny, but we had too much grey days already! The temperatures are low, we have the heating on already and our beautiful Cessus (tree) has lost almost all its leaves. It is definitely autumn over here. I don't like that, it means a long winter...
Sandy, I love how you take me into your world with every post! I feel your desire for those cooler temps. I think much of the country is feeling unusual heat, and trust me Phoenix is no exception! I just pretend those cool breezes are blowing through the trees!
Beautiful autumn photographs, they make me want to go out into the woods and take photographs as well ( better not right now though, it is pitch black dark out there, lol ).
Oh yes miss Sandy, we got autumn here in Denmark--cold windy and rainy- leaves dropping to the ground, green,yellow,and red--but I couldn`t have made a more beautifull decoration,than the one you showes here,-so lovely.
Aww, every post is so poetic to the eyes, ears and heart. I love it! Is that your pretty room? I bet you are a wonderful decorator!
Have a lovely, evening filled with wonderful, restful sleep!
Beautiful photos! And to look at these signs of autumn while listening to Danny Elfman music...I am feeling a little wistful, a tad nostalgic, a wee bit sad, but mostly looking forward to the magic of a new season. I live in Florida now, and always had these feelings as I went for long autumn walks with my kids and our dogs. Thank you for creating photos powerful enough to remind me of those days and those feelings here in a little-too-sunny-for-almost-October South Florida.
I too, feel that nostalgia for Autumn. I can't wait for that first rain. Cool,crisp air with a hint of woodsmoke in the air. A distant fantasy? I hope not. Reality is stifling, hot, sunny days with the smell of a fire burning not to far from my house. The sound of the borate sp? planes and helocopters flying overhead.
Don't worry, the fire is under control. I just wish the weather was. You pictures are beautiful and I think I will go out in search
of some fall in a bowl.
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