I have been thinking how quickly that time seems to flutter by, escaping our notice while we are busy trying to balance and stay on top of things...
We get situated in a place of safety, in a comfortable span where everything seems to be as it should be...
We reach what we think is the top, and suddenly everything starts to fold...
In upon itself and the view from the top is not quite what we thought it would be...
So we pause, stretch our wings, and begin to turn in a new direction...
We find ourselves back where we started, on ground level...
Learning to navigate again...
Beginning a new climb, this time at a much slower pace...
Seeing with greater clarity what is truly important and savoring each new step of the way...
Trusting that this new path will enable us...
To spread our wings in new directions, fully opening ourselves to new promise...
Where all things are possible!
Life is filled with moments that take your breath away, both in a negative and positive way. Our journeys are not always smooth sailing. Over the last few days I have absorbed your stories and observed your hope realizing that not all situations have a quick turn around. I wanted you to know that I truly cherish that you, in the midst of your own worries, would take the time to offer words of hope and encouragement.
Life is filled with moments that take your breath away, both in a negative and positive way. Our journeys are not always smooth sailing. Over the last few days I have absorbed your stories and observed your hope realizing that not all situations have a quick turn around. I wanted you to know that I truly cherish that you, in the midst of your own worries, would take the time to offer words of hope and encouragement.
Praying that you too will treasure your time, hold onto hope no matter the circumstance, savor each step of your journey, that your potential and possibilities are endless, your attitude remain positive, and that winds of promise will blow your way, lifting your outspread wings to your dreams, and that they are fully obtainable and come to pass whatever they may be, prospering you, giving you hope, and a wonderful future.
Many Blessings,
Miss Sandy
Good Morning Miss Sandy,
What beautiful words...and so true. God has so much for us to learn...in all of our daily experiences, both positive and negative...if we will only open our eyes and our hearts.
Sweet blessings to you,
How true, thank you for the prayer, it is a time when I need it the most!
Margaret B
Thank you Miss Sandy for the words of hope and encouragement. You ARE such a blessing to so many. Thank you too, for your prayers.
Have a blessed week,
Such a sweet post... I not only enjoyed it, I needed it. Your words ring true for all of us...
Beautiful butterfly photos and wonderful thoughts. I am most happy for the fact that your situation has turned for the better at present. I hadn't read your last few postings, so I only just caught up. Blessings to you.
Lovely post. I agree, thanks for sharing. Have a great day!
Beautiful prayer.....When I lost my dearest husband in 2004, I thought my world had been turned up side down. He always told me to keep making forward motion. I have done my best to keep moving forward.....each day is a blessing..
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