I cannot begin to fathom the goodness of God in difficult times. We have been living on the edge for six months now, waiting, wondering, hoping, praying, and waiting some more. So many of you shared your stories and I want you to know that each of you are in my prayers. Many of you did not experience immediate results as we did and I pray blessing of provision will be yours also in the immediate future. Some of your stories broke my heart at such depth of loss and it truly put our small hiccup in perspective. You are all amazing resilient people with spirit, heart, and hope that inspires me beyond belief. Thank you for touching my life.
I know the following will seem like fluff after all the serious stuff above, and really it is, but I find in the midst of troubling times it sometimes helps to have something a little light of heart to take our mind off our troubles and I really truly would love your opinion. I have pulled out seven pieces of art, old and new, to use as my submissions. I had wanted three new pieces but to tell you the truth, I have just not been able to focus. I did get two new pieces done but the third and largest is still on the work table.
Anyway, what I would like is to know which of theses seven pieces are your three favorites. I think I have made my choices but I would seriously love your input on the subject. To select your three favorites, view the selections below and then vote using the poll on my upper side bar just below my email link. Click on any photo to enlarge for better viewing.



NEST ASSEMBLAGE: (Remember that chunk of wood bird I found? Here he is!)

Miss Sandy
Thanking the Lord for answered prayers. May God continue to bless you and your husband. I'm anxious to hear your good news also. All of your work is stunning Sandy. Hope you'll take a look at my "purple" post tonight.
Wonderful news, Miss Sandy, that God has answered prayers! God is so good. He has recently answered a huge prayer of ours for one of our kids. It is life-changing. And when He does answer, it's always the best thing, and it humbles me so to think my faith is so small sometimes! Thanksgivings to God for you and your husband are on their way!
wow fantastic works. I love all! Greetings Alexandra
Hi Sandy. It's so wonderful to hear about the blessing you've received. Our Father is so faithful even when we may not see it or know it. Thanks for sharing your blessings which just serves as inspiration and encouragement for all of us. I can't wait to hear about the rest of your good news.
And as for your art work, Oh My Goodness! It all takes my breath away. I love each and everything you've made so much. How in the world can we only pick 3 favorites?
Lots of love...Tracy :)
Miss Sandy,
Isn't God good? He really is...I'm so thankful that He is answering your prayers.
I had an interview set up for last Tuesday (day of funeral for my son-in-law)so I had to cancel it.I left a message and explained my situation. They called Wednesday and said they would like to set up another interview for this Wednesday! A job that I applied for 10 times! She asked me if I was still interested and I said that I believe there is a reason for everything and that I had better do it. :) I haven't had an interview in a year!
I can't wait to hear your news too.
And of course I love ALL your artwork but my favorite 3 are the Cottage Beale Fabric Collage,Clara Scarlett and of course the Industrial Dreams.
Have a blessed week and praise God for anwered prayers,
Wonderful news! I voted for my pick!
Miss Sandy,
I am so happy your prayers have been answered, all things work out!!
All of your items are so wonderful. I have voted for my three.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog :))
Your artwork is s-t-u-n-n-i-n-g!!!
Simply love it! You are very talented and have this special gift to create beautiful pieces of art!!!
I shall visit here often!!!
Have a wonderful week!
Hugs, Minnamarika
Oh such sweet good news! May your hubby's new position be a great blessing on many levels even beyond the financial. And you! Hope that we hear your news soon.
What fun to vote. I see that I'm in total and complete agreement with the rest of the crowd when I saw the results...and before I read anything here.
All of your artwork is gorgeous. I would pick your favorites and submit those, and while unity is sometimes preferred in dealing with artwork, I like to look at variations, They are more fun to explore.
I just adore all of your art work.
I picked my 3 and voted. Can't wait to hear what your good news is. I bet it's fabulous. Congrats on your handy hubbys new job. I am also going through a bout of unemployment. I just have to tell you I really love your home collage. Stunning, and your industrial dream. It's all gorgeous.
Sandy, first, I love the 1st one, Hope and Dream. :-)
And...your other comments...oh, life can change in a heartbeat, can't it.
How often I forget to savor the moment and I get caught up in angst caused by outside things...
I should know better.
Your post today, the one above this one...beautiful.
So glad that everything turned out so well. Hugs for you and hubby!
Blessings, Diane
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