Peace is not something you wish for; It's something you make, Something you do, Something you are, And Something you give away.
- Robert Fulghum -
I was perched on a stool in the studio watching the day unfold itself from sleep. The sun began to rise with a big gaping yawn, opening wide its full orb. My gaze followed its fingers as it stretched and reached out embracing the new day. I watched as it slid one fingered ray towards my window giving it a playful poke. It is a familiar morning game this chasing of shadows. A shadow slides across the wall, a sunbeam finger playing tag with it.
Peaceful thoughts settled themselves at the seat of my soul as I watched the play of light and shadow. My days have been a little topsy-turvy lately, busy in a good way, no time for stillness. The moments of idle silence were pure bliss. Quietness was upon me...Peace.
I observed the intermingling play of light and darkness. Light touching darkness...Peace. Light over shadowing darkness...Peace. Light shining through the darkness...Peace. Light casting away dark shadows...Peace. There was an exquisite beauty of the two touching, for one would not be possible without the other.
Sitting in quiet reflection I realized that peace is not something you wish for, it is something you make time for.
Peace is something you do, it requires that you halt all action for just a moment or two, longer if you can spare it, and just let yourself be.
Peace is something you are, in spite of the shadows that might darken your days, peace is an internal ray that reaches outward and steadies you.
Peace is something you give away, a gift that you give to yourself, a pregnant pause from the stress, anxiety, or daily demands of life in which you simply sit quietly.
Were it not for the shadows in my life, I would not so greatly appreciate the lightness of peaceful pausing. Quietness of time, ceasing of action, resting from thought, withdrawing from emotion, basking in stillness, noiseless reflection, to me this is peace.
Flickers of Scripture flit across my mind:
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27)
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)
Light overcoming darkness...Peace.
I could not have bask in the stillness more than a few moments but it was enough to center myself...
To let quietness settle upon me...
It gave me something to hang on to...
And I knew the full lightness of its beauty would surround me as I began my day...
I am wishing for you peaceful hearts and thoughts as you to pursue your day.
I am linking with Faded Charm White Wednesday.
P.S. This fabric collage is one of the prizes for my 500th Post/Follower Give Away. There is still time to sign up, visit THIS POST and leave a comment, winners will be chosen on Friday, Feb. 11, 2011.
- Robert Fulghum -

Peaceful thoughts settled themselves at the seat of my soul as I watched the play of light and shadow. My days have been a little topsy-turvy lately, busy in a good way, no time for stillness. The moments of idle silence were pure bliss. Quietness was upon me...Peace.

Peace is something you do, it requires that you halt all action for just a moment or two, longer if you can spare it, and just let yourself be.

Peace is something you give away, a gift that you give to yourself, a pregnant pause from the stress, anxiety, or daily demands of life in which you simply sit quietly.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27)
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)
Light overcoming darkness...Peace.
I could not have bask in the stillness more than a few moments but it was enough to center myself...

I am linking with Faded Charm White Wednesday.
P.S. This fabric collage is one of the prizes for my 500th Post/Follower Give Away. There is still time to sign up, visit THIS POST and leave a comment, winners will be chosen on Friday, Feb. 11, 2011.
Oh sweet Sandy, this is a magnificent post my friend!!!!! And the artwork? Even MORE than magnificent!!!! It's is so wonderful...I hope you are doing so good, hugs and love, Dawn
A beautiful post. It makes me want to be wake at sunrise...and I am NOT a morning person. Maybe I'll have to work on that. LOL.
This piece of artwork is so lovely and now whoever wins it (hope it's me) will have beautiful words to go with it.
Beautiful post Miss Sandy and your collage is so beautiful too. LOVE the driftwood hanger ;-) (just made a piece with one too)
Wishing you a wonderful day.
xo Tina
Beautiful piece. and I love how you stamped the word peace into the wood. Great idea! Thanks for sharing.
Hi Sandy,
What a beautiful piece of artwork! I think it is my favorite of yours! Well, they all are!
I was just visiting another blog earlier and she was talking about the word "selah" in the bible. This kind of goes with that...pausing and thinking and feeling God's peace. Praying that is what your day brings you, my friend.
Your blog is that peaceful pause for me. May the peace you give return to you.
Sweetly peaceful, Miss Sandy. Your artwork is incredible and all the details are inspired. (With all the ancient photographs, I've got at my fingertips, perhaps one day I'll turn my attention to creating something to feature them.)
Dear Sandy,
I felt your peace, reading slowly your beautifull post--seeing for my inner eyes ,what you describes-and almost feeling I was there, too. Thank you for those precius moments.
And Sandy- your piece to give away, is a so lovely and gorgeus art piece. I love the "belt" and everything beautifull you added.
Thanks for this, in every way, wonderfull post.
Huhs, Dorthe
So gorgeous so beautiful!Thank you for shering,warm wishes
Miss Sandy,
This piece is as beautiful as the words you wrote to go with it. Just wonderful. You have been so busy creating such amazing art lately. I think your new studio has really inspired you! The little paper shoes, I loved that post. I've been lurking, don't always have time to write with the kids home all month with weather & flu. But I'm here, being inspired. Lisa
How truely lovely this post is.
Peaceful indeed...I too so enjoy watching the morning come upon our household's such a lovely feeling.
God is with us.
Your words to describe it.. are poignant.
Thank you.
Oh yes, and I would more than LOVE to win your wall hanging.
Please add my name to your list.
Beautiful words, scripture and handiwork from one of God's children! THank you for sharing with us Sandy!
Hugs, Sherry
Lovely post...
Wow! I just discovered your blog and it is soooo peaceful. Thank you.
What a beautiful post, Sandy. Pause for reflection. Yes. Thank you for the reminder.
Hugs, blessings and peace to you,
Such soothing thoughts.
Beautiful ! Peace to you !
It was as if reading from a favorite book...or seeing the morning through your eyes..simply beautiful! You give so much feeling to your cannot help wanting more..
Love the art piece - surely a treasure for the person who is lucky enough to have her live in their home :-)
.♥´¯`•.¸¸.• ♥ Such beautiful thoughts to indulge in!•´¯`•.¸¸.♥ Yes, indeed, peace is something one gives away.I'm afraid I haven't exactly been peaceful of late and have uttered a few words to someone dear i didn't really really mean to.It's good to be reminded..♥´¯`•.¸¸.• ♥ •´¯`•.¸¸.♥ Your post is healing to the soul.
The Lady Prism
Lovely! Simply lovely! Art in words . . . visual joy. I am inspired to do something fresh with my own vintage collections of random photos, fabric, etc. Joy!
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